01635 230888 [email protected]

What is glass façade and cladding restoration? How does it work?

Proactive maintenance matters, from simple windows to entirely glass facades and architecture. Glass façade restoration services are a practical investment, with projects from teams like ours here at See brilliance conferring significant savings in maintenance – and being a far cheaper alternative than full façade replacement.

Glass façade restoration refers to the use of trained professionals and varying cleaning methods to remove scratches and stains from water, minerals and other accumulated foreign substances. See Brilliance helps its clients across the UK with this service, offering the support of professionals trained in performing restoration of any building profile, height and size.

Compliant glass façade and cladding work at any scale

Glass façade and cladding restoration is a specialised service that requires particular equipment and skill in the teams that carry it out. Done poorly, it’s a cost that can leave facades scratched and damaged by the improper application of products, such as abrasive liquids and acids. Done correctly by teams like those employed by See Brilliance, it’s a skilled process wherein professional technicians utilise modern, hygienic and environmentally friendly products to gently restore glass facades to a highly reflective, scratch-free finish.

Many buildings in the UK have glass facades of varying slopes, angles, heights and sizes. In these cases, it’s vital that the technicians working on your façade are experienced and certified in working at height. For projects with demanding profiles and size, experienced teams can utilise a range of climbing and rigging equipment to scale and clean buildings without damaging the façade and surfaces they work on.

See Brilliance has a portfolio of buildings we have worked on demonstrating this, carefully and effectively restoring buildings such as the renowned 1 Blackfriars in London – a 49-storey supertall skyscraper with a predominantly glass surface. We maintain and train our staff in the safe and efficient use of a variety of modern equipment, including abseiling gear and cradles and tower hoists and scaffolding.

Proper products and safe results for glass cladding restoration

Glass façade and cladding restoration isn’t only about aesthetic appeal. When restoration work is done, non-damaging and effective products are used. An example of this is our use of ground volcanic rock at specific BIM sizes, which gently removes soiling and limescaling without damaging a glass façade surface or leaving it scratched.

Saving property owners money

After work is completed on a glass façade, our teams apply protective coating products that will improve the building’s protection against deterioration and damage from the sun and foreign particles and objects. These restorative coatings save property owners significant money by reducing the frequency of visits needed for future cleaning and restoration work.

Better yet, properly applied restorative coatings help to make ongoing cleaning of facades easier for property owners to carry out themselves. This helps property owners to ensure that the visual appeal and brand-new look of their facades can be maintained more easily by their maintenance and cleaning staff.

Any need served

See Brilliance can restore your building’s aesthetic appeal and save you money. From the cleaning and restoration of glass canopies and atriums to full glass facades of any size and design, our technicians can quickly survey and appraise your property and create a plan of action that is practical and cost-effective. The result? A building that shines at its best – and a serious saving in your maintenance and cleaning budget for the future.

We guarantee a friendly, fast and effective service that will restore your building to its best. To enquire today about how we may help you with glass façade restoration of your property, please call us on 01635 230888 or get in touch via email at [email protected].

See Brilliance restorative cleaning services

See Brilliance has over 30 years of experience in specialist restorative cleaning of metal, glass and stone. We can provide façade and cladding restoration, DOFF steam cleaning, graffiti removal, and much more, all across the UK.

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